Young people ask me, part deux

November 13, 2007

Oh, the underbelly is starting to be exposed…the Hillary ’08 campaign is, without doubt, as nasty as they come.

CNN is offering an exclusive interview with Muriel Gallo-Chasanoff, a 19-year-old sophomore at Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa, who just happens to be the question plant that was initially exposed by her college’s student newspaper.

Needless to say, the wheels are coming off Hillary ’08 rather quickly. Ms. Gallo-Chasanoff indicates she was not, as originally indicated by the campaign, the only plant made.

Of course, the Clinton campaign comes out, denial guns blazing! Clinton campaign spokesman Mo Elleithee said “This is not acceptable campaign process moving forward. We’ve taken steps to ensure that it never happens again.” In other words, they’ve taken steps to ensure they don’t get caught on this again…

This is going to get nastier in the coming weeks…and I just can’t stop looking…