I’ve made my choice…

October 17, 2007

First off, I’ll let you know that I was raised as a “yellow dog” democrat. Well, not quite a true yellow dog, but a democrat in the vein of John F. Kennedy (strong national security bent) while also growing up in a “southern” home.  I suppose, had I actually ever registered as a democrat, I would have likely become a “blue dog” democrat.

Interesting side note – while my father voted for Kennedy in 1960, my mother voted for Nixon.

So I’ve already let one cat out of the bag, it would seem, since I’ve admitted that I’ve never been a democrat.  Take the political makeup of my hometown (80% republican voter base, and few, if any, local democrat candidates) and it’s easy to see that if you ever plan on being able to vote in local elections, one simply has to register as a republican.

Not to mention the fact that the Pulaski County democratic party came to my high school to register voters, and somehow, anyone who registered as a republican ended up NOT being registered to vote.

I’ve done a whole lot of research this time around, which has historically not been my bent. You might assume that since I’m a republican, I’d simply select a republican to support for president. And in general, I would normally do so.

Keep in mind that as I was coming into my age of accountability, we had a horrible democrat as president – Jimmy Carter – and he was thankfully removed from office by Ronald Reagan.

In many ways, despite my short life, Reagan represented, at least to me, the “greatest” president we’ve ever had (and no,  I don’t mean historically, but in my lifetime…I don’t think I ought to get into whom I think were our best presidents ever right now, as most would find it boring…as if this blog wasn’t boring enough to start with). Like many others, I have probably been waiting for a second coming of Reagan, which we all know isn’t going to ever happen.

And fyi…I probably won’t be voting republican in our upcoming gubernatorial election. I see a write-in coming in my case.

Ok…so enough rambling. Let’s get to the real meat here…

My choice for president in 2008 is…Ron Paul. Yep, he’s a republican.  But he’s a true constitutionalist…and he has a real libertarian bent as well.  Which in my humble opinion, is what our nation needs.

In the coming weeks/months, I’ll be detailing the reasons ‘why’ I like Dr. Paul.  And yes, the Dr. is a true M.D. – not some Ph.D. awarded for basket weaving as it relates to the economy of Bolivia.